DRJ Academy BC Primer Course

Course Duration

The DRJ Academy BC Primer includes 8+ hours of instruction with six months of access to the course and its resources. The participant is expected to implement what is being learned during this six-month period. This course is designed to provide not only the information and instruction you need but also to coach you through the practical implementation of the program.

Included In The BC Primer Course Package

  • Easy-to-follow online course built of skills-focused and
self-paced instruction

  • Entry-level introduction to the basics of business continuity

  • Core concepts and fundamentals and how to execute
each step of the planning process

  • Simplified tactics and tools to gain buy-in, ownership,
and participation within your organization

  • 9 chapters, 32 sessions and 8+ hours of learning content 

  • Step-by-step sixth-month implementation process

  • Six months of access to the course and its resources 

  • A BC Primer Success Kit will be mailed to each participant. The kit includes a Master Course Outline, all 10 Quick Study Guides, and a personalized course notebook with tabs for each chapter/skill which you can use throughout the course. Success Kit offer available for US participants only unless you would like to pay for shipping.

Reach out to DRJ Academy with any of your questions, we would be happy to assist you.